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Immediate Liquidity

Selling your mineral interests can provide you with immediate cash, offering financial freedom and flexibility. Whether you have unexpected expenses, want to invest in other opportunities, or simply enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a lump sum payment, selling can be a wise financial move.

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Mitigate Risk & Uncertainty

The oil and gas industry can be unpredictable, with market fluctuations substantially impacting the value of mineral & royalty interests. By selling, you'll receive a fair and guaranteed value for your assets today, and you will eliminate the risks associated with holding these assets, including commodity price volatility, well depletion, operator bankruptcy, and increased taxation or regulation on oil & gas properties.

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Paperwork Elimination

Mineral & royalty ownership tends to produce an extreme amount of paperwork. Between division orders, leases, memos, pooling agreements, checks, revenue statements, and more, bookkeeping and administration for mineral owners is complex. By selling, you'll eliminate this accounting and paperwork burden permanently.

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Estate Planning Or Liquidation

Mineral interests are often the most complicated and illiquid part of an estate. By liquidating these assets, estate planning and wealth transfer are made radically simpler, all while ensuring future generations aren't left with a confusing asset of unknown value and risk.

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Tax Advantages

Depending on your financial situation, selling your mineral rights may offer certain tax advantages. Royalty income is taxed at ordinary income rates, while the divestiture of your mineral interest, if owned for more than 1 year, will be taxed at capital gains rates, which are often lower.

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Our Streamlined Divestiture Process

Having closed hundreds of transactions in 15-30 days, the Allegiance divestiture process is as smooth and stress-free as they come. We'll prioritize clear communication, transparency, honesty, and fairness in all of our interactions with you.

Ready to Explore Your Options?

Contact us today for a personalized consultation. Our experienced team is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of unlocking the value of your assets.